Non-Clinical, Sample Analysis Data, and Distributed Clinical Trial (DCT) Management Automation Solution

STC(Smart Trial Center)

Our smart digital system ensures impeccable data integrity throughout the entire clinical trial process,
including electronic consent, personal identification, location tracking, digital diagnostics, specimen analysis,
and data management. It significantly improves clinical performance and supports autonomous, remote-clinical,
and distributed (DCT) trials.


  • Attributable
  • - All tasks within the STC system can be traced back to specific individuals or devices.
  • Legible
  • - Results within STC are accessible only to authorized personnel within eCTS and RedPine CDMS.
  • Contemporaneous
  • - STC automatically records and saves results in real time.
  • Original
  • - Results within STC are electronically recorded, with the initial capture serving as the supporting document.
  • Accurate
  • - Evidence is automatically saved from incidence to history, and modifications or deletions are verifiable via audit trail.